
ସତ୍ୟର ଜାଗ୍ରତ ପ୍ରହରୀ

Railway Update

Apart from the cancelled trains (which were notified earlier), other trains will run as per schedule.

Bhubaneswar : 25.10.24

Apart from the cancelled trains (which were notified earlier), other trains will run as per schedule.

Down Trains coming from South (Visakhapatnam side) towards Bhubaneswar & Howrah are now running.

UP Trains from Kharagpur side towards Visakhapatnam will be received at Bhadrak Station at about 1400hrs. First scheduled train is 12245 Howrah-Bangalore Duronto Express.

Trains scheduled to originate from Bhubaneswar and Puri will commence after 1200hrs, today, except notified cancelled trains.

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