
ସତ୍ୟର ଜାଗ୍ରତ ପ୍ରହରୀ

Measures taken by Indian Railway during the monsoon to ensure proper functioning of Signalling System

Mootv Odisha / Bhubaneswar :

Measures taken by Indian Railway during the monsoon to ensure proper functioning of Signalling System
Special patrolling of track done in case of heavy rains; Coordination with Regional Meteorological Centres and District authorities also ensured

EcoR also gears up Safety precautions during monsoon.

There is an established system of inspection of Railway Bridges and tracks on Indian Railways. The inspection of the Railway track is undertaken by designated officials at a specified frequency. In addition to prescribed schedule for regular maintenance following measures are taken during monsoon to ensure proper functioning of signaling system:-

(i) Drainage system in yards is improved by cleaning of yard drains.
(ii) Identified vulnerable locations for failure of track circuits are attended in advance.
(iii) Joint inspection of points & track circuits are conducted by track & signaling officials and remedial measures are taken.
(iv) Axle counter is provided in identified areas vulnerable for water logging.

Special precautions such as the introduction of monsoon patrolling in identified sections, deployment of watchmen at vulnerable locations, special patrolling of track in case of heavy rains are taken during monsoon. Coordination is done with concerned Regional Meteorological Centres for updated weather information and with District authorities for getting information regarding release of excess water from reservoirs/dams.

This information was given by the Minister of Railways, Information & Broadcasting and Electronic & Information Technology, Shri Ashwini Vaishnaw in a written reply to a question in Lok Sabha on 24.07.2024.

To improve safety of running trains including disruption free services and also to minimize the effects of heavy rain fall, East Coast Railway has planned precautionary steps before the o¬nset of the monsoon.

■ Close watch to save Railway Bridges, Tracks, Yards & Signaling System

■ Silt, Vegetation and other obstructions cleared from catch water and side drains

■ Patrolling at vulnerable locations by deputing patrolmen & Watchmen

■ Sectional Gangmen will patrol tracks whenever there is heavy rain

■ Arrangements made to stock sufficient quantities of monsoon reserve materials

■ Constant touch with Meteorological Department

■ Additional Control Room & Disaster Management Cell of ECoR to be opened if any untoward incident occurred.

General Manager, East Coast Railway has directed the concerned officials to be o¬n full alert towards any incident caused by monsoon rain and flood situation near Railway Track for the safety of passengers and smooth train operations. Accordingly, all precautionary measures have been taken prior to o-nset of monsoon. The catch water drains and side drains have been cleared of silt, vegetation and other obstructions to ensure free flow of rain water. The water ways of bridges have been cleared of vegetation and other obstructions.

Meetings have been conducted with State Irrigation Dept Officials at different levels for proper maintenance of Railway-affecting Tanks & works. Protective and river draining works have been maintained in good condition and repairs carried out wherever necessary. Full Supply Level (FSL) in the case of canals and Danger Level (DL) in case of bridges have been painted with bright red band across each pier adjacent to the abutment so as to be clearly visible to the Patrolman, Stationery Watchman and Drivers.

Arrangements have been made not to allow water to stagnate o¬n the track. In station yards, the cross drains and longitudinal drains have been cleared/provided to proper grades.

Patrolling of Railway tracks by Patrolmen has been planned during monsoon. They observe danger or interruption if any and protect the trains and travelling passengers from any unusual occurrence. Stationary Patrolmen and Watchmen have been deployed at vulnerable locations. Mobile Patrolmen have been deployed in vulnerable sections.

Instructions have been issued that whenever there is heavy rain, the sectional Gangmen will organize patrolling of track o¬n their own in their beat to make sure that the track is safe for passage of trains and ensure protection at all locations where washouts/slips are likely to occur.

Arrangements have been made to stock sufficient quantities of monsoon reserve materials, viz., boulders, sand, cinder, quarry dust, ballast at identified locations. The Engineering relief vans and their equipments are kept ready. The CC cribs and relieving girders are kept in readiness so that they can be moved as per requirement.

ECoR is in constant touch with India Meteorological Department and o¬n getting weather alerts, proper mobilization is being done to meet the situations. Officers, Supervisors and staff are kept o¬n alert for attending to the monsoon emergencies.

East Coast Railway Control Office, which works round the clock, is keeping close liaison with Meteorological Department, Disaster Management Cell and staff deputed at flood prone areas for continuous monitoring and constant updates.

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